Holiday promo offer

Past life exploration hypnosis
60 minute Tarot reading
1/2 off!

Sierra Sky wishes holiday blessings to all of our friends out there. We hope that you all find peace and joy within yourselves as you go out among the revelers this year. We hope that you all have light shine upon you and inside your hearts. May YOU be the positive change that the world needs. If you, like us, find this time of year challenging- read on. We are offering a delightful deal to sweeten your spirit. Past life exploration, two different ways.
Sierra Sky Healing Arts offers two different modalities to help you access your past lives on your souls' journey.
We have had great success with leading our clients into a past life with transpersonal hypnotherapy. In just an hour you can be guided safely and calmly into a regression that will provide you with insight that you can use today!
We also offer both guided and channeled Akashic Records readings. The Akashic Records hold all of your soul's past, present and future details. You can access patterns and lessons that will help you in this present life.
Or if you, like us, feel a little edgy during this time of year- why not chill out with an anxiety and stress relief hypnosis session. $90 on sale (usually $175)
A fun gift for you or someone you love is a tarot divination. Now 1/2 off the usual price!
Call or text 775.235.8690 or email to schedule. See you soon!
Now a word from Andy…
And the season of giving has started…Well, maybe not.
Grocery shopping, gift shopping, cocktail parties, food preparation, school programs…it is all so exhausting. Who should we send cards to? Who is going to do the cards we are going to send? Add to it the pressures of gift buying and giving; and expectations of the family.
It is no wonder that after a bottle of wine the turkey was burned. It makes so much sense to need that fortifying drink before leaving the house just to go to the cocktail party.
I had an acquaintance from a Hollywood family who noted that the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas was so weird in her house because, for unexplained reasons, the crazies went away, and the illusion of peace and love was overwhelming. The other eleven months were absolute insanity and included molestation, assaults, and police visits; all driven by excessive drinking and drugging. But the holidays were a magical break from the trauma; a Christmas Miracle. The gift of “normal”.
Obligations outweigh cheer these days. It’s just the way our society is now. We can’t change the culture; but we can change how we feel about it. And no, I’m not talking about an extra shot of bourbon in your eggnog. I’m talking about getting your mind, body, and soul prepared for whatever holiday hijinx come your way.
We are offering a delightful deal to sweeten your spirit. Past life exploration, two different ways. You can experience a regression through hypnosis or you can access your soul's history through the Akashic records.
Or if you, like us, feel a little edgy during this time of year- why not chill out with an anxiety and stress relief hypnosis session. $90 on sale (usually $175)
A fun gift for you or someone you love is a tarot divination. Now 1/2 off the usual price!
This is also a great self-care gift to our retail warriors out there. We pray for you! How you put up with the stressed out masses every holiday is a mystery to us! Do yourself a favor and get two packages. One to build up your immunity to seasonal stress; and one to cleanse you of any lingering after-effects once the holidays are over.
Get yourself set right for the new year!