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Quantum Healing Services

Multi-Dimensional Healing
of the body, mind, and spirit;
through time and space.

"What an experience. Even after a week from my first session with Andy I am still processing my positive yet intense experience. Being in recovery I felt an additional feelings of safety, security and belonging with Andy. If you are wanting to open up your energy channels I highly recommend this experience."



"That was a fun reading! Can’t wait for my next!"



"Rachael is amazing - really appreciated everything about our session and I would definitely recommend and go back again - thanks :)"



"My experience with Rachael truly changed my life. Through her exercises and techniques, she restored my confidence and has enabled me to establish a fulfilling relationship with a woman who has become very important to me. I felt completely safe with Rachael. She was extremely giving and really cared about me and my issues. Rachael has my highest possible endorsement. She genuinely wants to help her clients."



"Traveled from Florida to Reno for a vacation and started out working with Rachel and Andy. Both were extremely friendly and easy to work with. Rachel was insightful and Andy was incredible with the spiritual work he did."

~Jennifer and Ross


"I did an Akashic Record reading with Rachael and it was incredible. She very patient with me and guided me through the process, what to expect, and the type of questions to ask. I genuinely enjoyed her and the whole process and would highly recommend her for your reading!"



 Divination using Tarot Virtual and In-person

1 Hour virtual~$100 

1 Hour in person ~$120


We will use the centuries old divination tool known as Tarot to delve into a specific challenge or touch on general subjects in the seeker’s current life.


Additional divination and healing may be included with the permission of the Seeker and through the guidance of Spirit.

​Overview of service:

Who: Your diviner will be Rachael.

What: The reading will be based on a 12 card tarot spread. 11 of the cards paint the picture of the Seeker’s situation. 1 card will be an answer to a spoken or unspoken question.

Where: Sessions will be done in a private professional setting in Reno, NV. Virtual sessions will be held on a HIPAA compliant platform.

When: Please make an appointment using this form.

​Why: Tarot is a story telling divination tool. Through general themes symbolized by cards, sequences of cards, and placement of cards the diviner paints a picture of the Seekers chosen subject of divination. This could include love, work, family, challenges, questions, fears, dreams...and more. Often in our day-to day lives we follow certain patterns of behavior. Tarot brings up fresh ideas and ways of looking at our life which we may overlook otherwise. 

​How: Virtual sessions will utilize a HIPAA compliant platform to ensure privacy.

We will spend 5 minutes or less discussing the topic to be divined. Then we will shuffle the cards.  In virtual sessions the diviner shuffles and the seeker says when to stop shuffling. We then lay 11 cards in a predetermined pattern called a spread. Each position is related to a topic. (past, present, future, love, work, health, etc). A final card is an answer card. The diviner then studies the spread and channels guidance from Spirit. The resulting discussion is the Divination.



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Neuro-Somatic Processing Session (In Person)

60 Minutes ~ $150 ~or~ 90 Minutes ~$250

“Neuro-Somatic Processing” is an adaptation of two evidence-based trauma therapy modalities; EMDR and Brainspotting. NSP combines elements of these therapies with Somatic BodyWork. NSP supports self healing. The client and practitioner create and hold the time and space required for the brain-mind system to heal itself.  NSP is a physiological process with psychological effects. 

Overview of service:

Who: Rachael is your NSP practitioner

What: NSP resources memories, thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to allow the mind to heal itself.  We allow the mind to process events, memories, feelings, and emotions that may keep us “stuck”.  It is a way to get closure and completion around events. It is a way to safely feel disturbing feelings. The client will have the opportunity to release stored trauma in their bodies. Stored trauma may manifest itself as pain, tightness, restlessness, and myriad other physical manifestations.   The practitioner assists in the release of stored trauma by using energetic bodywork and shamanic techniques. The practitioner holds space for the client to experience their NSP session. Each session is different. 

Where: Sessions will be done in a private professional setting in Reno, NV. 

When: Please make an appointment using this form.

Why: Even though we may logically work through an issue (“It’s over now, it doesn’t matter anymore, what’s done is done”) our bodies may still hold stored trauma. Furthermore, we often do not allow our minds to heal. Theoretically speaking, when we have PTSD “flashbacks” or “episodes” our mind relives an event, and our body reacts to this series of thoughts. 

How: NSP combines two well known and practiced PTSD treatments; EMDR and Brainspotting, with energetic bodywork.  This combination allows the clients to feel in real time where in their bodies they are holding stored trauma in relation to events of their life. Through this modality the brain is allowed to create new neural pathways, in essence “healing” itself. The stored trauma is then given an exit path out of the body.  The release is facilitated by the practitioner with the consent of the client.

*Neuro-Somatic Processing techniques are being developed by Elizabeth Collins Cook LPC to be used by Somatic BodyWorkers. 

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Clearing and Healing Session, Light

90 Minutes in person ~$200

Service Overview:

Who: Rachael and/or Andy will be your Quantum Healer

What: A “Light  Clearing and Healing Session” may include any of the following services by itself or combined:

  • Energy Work: Using Reiki Or Integrated Energy Therapy to clear energetic blocks, that which we no longer need, that which is harmful to us, that which is holding us back.

  • Chakra Alignment: Using above modalities to clear, cleanse, and calibrate each chakra in turn to our highest and best purposes.

  • Soul Retrieval: Retrieving parts of ourselves that have been left in the past. This can be due to traumatic events, dissociation, pain, suffering, or reasons unknown.  We will reunite the client with part of themselves they feel they may have “lost”.

  • Tarot Divination: See above description.


Where: All sessions take place in a private professional setting in Reno, NV.


When: Please make an appointment using this form.

Why: To remove psychic/energetic/spiritual “baggage” that weighs us down, holds us back, no longer serves a useful purpose, and/or is harmful. 

How: Using techniques honed over decades of practice; in accordance with ethical guidelines; and with the guidance of Spirit and our Guides.

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 Clearing and Healing Session, Deep

90 Minutes in person ~$400

Overview of Service:

Who: Rachael and/ or Andy will be your Quantum Healer.

What:  A “Deep Clearing and Healing Session” may include any of the following services alone or combined:

  • Any single or combination of “Light” services (above) with the following services available.

  • Akashic Record Reading: We access your Soul’s unique history through time and into the future to gain insight and information about your spiritual path; past, present, and future.

  • Channeling Loved Ones: Through a trance state we will attempt to communicate with a client’s loved one who has passed.  The client may also be able to access this communication within their own trance state.

  • Inner Child Healing: We are all born innocent children of God. We are handed to people who may or may not have our best interests in mind. Sometimes we carry so much pain as children that our inner child becomes hidden from us. This is essentially a large part of ourselves that we are blocking from being heard and validated. This work communicates with that inner child within; in order to gain trust and hear what they are telling us about ourselves.

  • Ancestral Lineage Repair: We facilitate repair of our blood line lineage.

  • Karmic Lineage Repair: We facilitate repair of our karmic lineage.

  • Past Life Access: We can access to pertinent lessons from our past lives.

  • Trance Meditation Journey: Clients will communicate their desired outcome to the practioner. Then clients will be facilitated into a trance meditation where they will gain access to their sub or super conscious.  The path to the desired outcome will be made clear to the client. The practioner will be present to take notes and help the client ease back into the conscious world.

  • Family Systems Work: Uses Family Constellation and/or Family Systems theory to help clients heal soul wounds received by family members in the past.

Where: All sessions take place in a private professional setting in Reno, NV.

When: Please make an appointment using this form.

Why: To remove psychic/energetic/spiritual “baggage” that weighs us down, holds us back, no longer serves a useful purpose, and/or is harmful. 

How: Using techniques honed over decades of practice; in accordance with ethical guidelines; and with the guidance of Spirit and our Guides.


Sierra Sky Healing Arts

1325 Airmotive Way #270

Reno, NV 89502



Sierra Sky Healing Arts will be using various modalities to assist clients in reaching their goals. Results may vary and client participation will be instrumental for success. There are no expressed or implied guarantees. Services advertised and rendered are non-medical in nature and do not replace medical treatment. All sessions are confidential and HIPAA compliant. All images used in this website are property of Sierra Sky Healing Arts. Copyright 2021

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