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Pain Management

Congratulations on making the decision of living a healthier and happier life!  Our role is to help facilitate and guide you on your road to success.

​Living with debilitating pain is a heavy burden.  When we are hurting during all waking hours we live with a relentless enemy. It has been shown that people often react to pain in accordance with general patterns established in childhood.  Clients with chronic pain have found that hypnosis may alleviate their symptoms. If we associate pain with something pleasant it is likely to be less severe than if it is associated with a negative factor or outcome. There is a psychological component of pain that is very important. Techniques that are psychologically oriented such as hypnosis can be applied with substantial success.1  This may occur in as little as one to three sessions!

Using hypnosis to overcome pain may take several sessions. Some will be relieved after the first session.  Plan on between 1-3 sessions to see results. You will see improvements after one session.  You will feel calmer and more resolute in your goals.  Change simply takes time- but we are here for you!

Hypnosis is about connecting to the deepest parts of ourselves, tapping into the subconscious mind where we can connect with all parts of our being. Hypnosis has been successful in treating many behavioral, emotional, physical and spiritual issues.​Your success will be decided by your level of participation and dedication. We will illuminate the path, but you must be the one to walk it.


What can I expect at the session?


You don't need any special preparations prior to the session. It is suggested that you wear comfortable clothing to help you relax. The process may put you to sleep if you are not well rested.  Please refrain from any caffeinated drinks three hours prior to the session. Caffeine will inhibit your ability to receive the full benefit from the induction.


If the session is via an internet platform like ZOOM, it is suggested that you have a quiet place where you will not be interrupted by family or pets. You will need to be able to have a place to recline comfortably. It is suggested that you do not lie down as that would promote sleep. Of course, cell phones should be turned off.

*It is important to have a medical professional involved when dealing with pain. We are not Medical Doctors, nor should hypnosis be substituted for medical care.*


~1 Excerpt: “Hypnosis For Change” 3rd Edition Hadley and Staudacher


First session: $175 (Intake)

Package of three sessions: $350

(Buy 2 get 1 free!)

Individual sessions: $175

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